
Type Definitions


  • Object
Name Type Description
createdDate string

optional: true

amount number

The payment mount

clientIp string

optional: true, max: 16

currency string

allowedValues: ['vnd', 'VND', 'USD', 'usd']

billingCity string

optional: true, max: 255

billingCountry string

optional: true, max: 255

billingPostCode string

optional: true, max: 255

billingStateProvince string

optional: true, max: 255

billingStreet string

optional: true, max: 255

customerId string

optional: true, max: 255

deliveryAddress string

optional: true, max: 255

deliveryCity string

optional: true, max: 255

deliveryCountry string

optional: true, max: 255

deliveryProvince string

optional: true, max: 255

locale string

allowedValues: ['vi', 'en']

orderId string

max: 34

receiverEmail string

max: 255, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email

paymentMethod string


bankCode string

optional: true, max: 50 (required with ATM_ONLINE, ATM_OFFLINE, NH_OFFLINE, CREDIT_CARD_PREPAID)

paymentType string

optional: true, allowedValues: ['1', '2']

orderInfo string

optional: true, max: 500

taxAmount number

Integer, optional: true

discountAmount number

Integer, optional: true

feeShipping number

Integer, optional: true

customerEmail string

max: 255, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email

customerPhone string

max: 255

customerName string

max: 255

returnUrl string

max: 255

cancelUrl string

max: 255, optional: true

timeLimit number

Integer, optional: true; minu

affiliateCode string

max: 255, optional: true

totalItem string

optional: true

transactionId string

max: 40

nganluongSecretKey string

max: 32

nganluongMerchant string

max: 16

nganluongCommand string

max: 32

nganluongVersion string

max: 3

paymentGateway string

regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Url

merchant string
receiverEmail string
secureSecret string


  • Object
Name Type Description
isSuccess boolean

whether the payment succeeded or not

message string

Approve or error message based on response code

merchant string

merchant ID, should be same with checkout request

transactionId string

merchant's transaction ID, should be same with checkout request

amount string

amount paid by customer

orderInfo string

order info, should be same with checkout request

responseCode string

response code, payment has errors if it is non-zero

bankCode string

bank code of the bank where payment was occurred

gatewayTransactionNo string

Gateway's own transaction ID, used to look up at Gateway's side

error_code string

e.g: '00'

token string

e.g: '43614-fc2a3698ee92604d5000434ed129d6a8'

description string

e.g: ''

transaction_status string

e.g: '00'

receiver_email string

e.g: ''

order_code string

e.g: 'adidas'

total_amount string

e.g: '90000'

payment_method string


bank_code string

e.g: 'BAB'

payment_type string

e.g: '2'

order_description string

e.g: 'Test'

tax_amount string

e.g: '0'

discount_amount string

e.g: '0'

fee_shipping string

e.g: '0'

return_url string

e.g: 'http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fpayment%2Fnganluong%2Fcallback'

cancel_url string

e.g: 'http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2F'

buyer_fullname string

e.g: 'Nguyen Hue'

buyer_email string

e.g: ''

buyer_mobile string

e.g: '0948231723'

buyer_address string

e.g: 'TEst'

affiliate_code string

e.g: ''

transaction_id string

e.g: '19563733'



OnePay checkout payload object, with normalized field names and validation rules based on OnePay's dev document

Object chuyển dữ liệu thanh toán cho OnePay, đã được chuẩn hóa tên biến và sẽ được kiểm

  • Object
Name Type Description
againLink string

optional: true, max: 64, regEx: urlRegExp

amount number

max: 9999999999

billingCity string

optional: true, max: 64

billingCountry string

optional: true, max: 2

billingPostCode string

optional: true, max: 64

billingStateProvince string

optional: true, max: 64

billingStreet string

optional: true, max: 64

clientIp string

max: 15

currency string

allowedValues: ['VND']

customerEmail string

optional: true, max: 24, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email

customerId string

optional: true, max: 64

customerPhone string

optional: true, max: 16

deliveryAddress string

optional: true, max: 64

deliveryCity string

optional: true, max: 64

deliveryCountry string

optional: true, max: 8

deliveryProvince string

optional: true, max: 64

locale string

allowedValues: ['vn', 'en']

orderId string

max: 32

returnUrl string

max: 255, regEx: urlRegExp.
NOTE: returnURL is documented with 64 chars limit but seem not a hard limit, and 64 is too few in some scenar

title string

optional: true, max: 255.
NOTE: no max limit documented for this field, this is just a safe val

transactionId string

max: 34

vpcAccessCode string

max: 8

vpcCommand string

max: 16

vpcMerchant string

max: 16

vpcVersion string

max: 2



  • Object
Name Type Description
isSuccess boolean

whether the payment succeeded or not

amount number

amount paid by customer, already divided by 100

command string

should be same with checkout request

currencyCode string

currency code, should be same with checkout request

gatewayTransactionNo string

Gateway's own transaction ID, used to look up at Gateway's side

locale string

locale code, should be same with checkout request

merchant string

merchant ID, should be same with checkout request

message string

Approve or error message based on response code

orderId string

merchant's order ID, should be same with checkout request

responseCode string

response code, payment has errors if it is non-zero

secureHash string

checksum of the returned data, used to verify data integrity

transactionId string

merchant's transaction ID, should be same with checkout request

version string

should be same with checkout request

vpc_AdditionData string

e.g: 970436

vpc_Amount string

e.g: 1000000

vpc_Command string

e.g: pay

vpc_CurrencyCode string

e.g: VND

vpc_Locale string

e.g: vn

vpc_Merchant string


vpc_MerchTxnRef string

e.g: TEST_15160802610161733380665

vpc_OrderInfo string

e.g: TEST_15160802610161733380665

vpc_SecureHash string

e.g: B5CD330E2DC1B1C116A068366F69717F54AD77E1BE0C40E4E3700551BE9D5004

vpc_TransactionNo string

e.g: 1618136

vpc_TxnResponseCode string

e.g: 0

vpc_Version string

e.g: 2



The schema is based on field data requirements from OnePay's dev document

  • SimpleSchema


  • Object
Name Type Description
isSuccess boolean

whether the payment succeeded or not

amount number

amount paid by customer, already divided by 100

command string

should be same with checkout request

billingCity string

billing address' city

billingCountry string

billing address' country

billingPostCode string

billing address' post code

billingStateProvince string

billing address' state or province

billingStreet string

billing address and street name

card string

type of card used to pay, VC, MC, JC, AE

currencyCode string

currency code, should be same with checkout request

gatewayTransactionNo string

Gateway's own transaction ID, used to look up at Gateway's side

locale string

locale code

merchant string

merchant ID, should be same with checkout request

message string

Approve or error message from gateway

orderId string

merchant's order ID, should be same with checkout request

responseCode string

response code, payment has errors if it is non-zero

secureHash string

checksum of the returned data, used to verify data integrity

transactionId string

merchant's transaction ID, should be same with checkout request

version string

should be same with checkout request

vpc_3DSECI string

e.g: 06

vpc_3DSenrolled string

e.g: N

vpc_3DSXID string

e.g: zklRMXTS2puX%2Btj0DwOJyq6T6s8%3D

vpc_AcqAVSRespCode string

e.g: Unsupported

vpc_AcqCSCRespCode string

e.g: Unsupported

vpc_AcqResponseCode string

e.g: 00

vpc_Amount string

e.g: 200000

vpc_AuthorizeId string

e.g: 523190

vpc_AVS_City string

e.g: Hanoi

vpc_AVS_Country string

e.g: VNM

vpc_AVS_PostCode string

e.g: 10000

vpc_AVS_StateProv string

e.g: Hoan+Kiem

vpc_AVS_Street01 string

e.g: 194+Tran+Quang+Khai

vpc_AVSRequestCode string

e.g: Z

vpc_AVSResultCode string

e.g: Unsupported

vpc_BatchNo string

e.g: 20180116

vpc_Card string

e.g: VC

vpc_CardLevelIndicator string

e.g: 88

vpc_CardNum string

e.g: 400555xxxxxx0001

vpc_Command string

e.g: pay

vpc_CommercialCard string

e.g: U

vpc_CommercialCardIndicator string

e.g: 3

vpc_CSCResultCode string

e.g: Unsupported

vpc_Locale string

e.g: en_VN

vpc_MarketSpecificData string

e.g: 8

vpc_Merchant string


vpc_MerchTxnRef string

e.g: TEST_1516078223875-387026611

vpc_Message string

e.g: Approved

vpc_OrderInfo string

e.g: TEST_1516078223875-387026611

vpc_ReceiptNo string

e.g: 801615523190

vpc_ReturnACI string

e.g: 8

vpc_RiskOverallResult string

e.g: ACC

vpc_SecureHash string

e.g: 0375408701C885CA396ED9A085D0E79B7D5437CD2FC021A96E3703787CC2874C

vpc_TransactionIdentifier string

e.g: 1234567890123456789

vpc_TransactionNo string

e.g: 62267

vpc_TxnResponseCode string

e.g: 0

vpc_VerSecurityLevel string

e.g: 06

vpc_Version string

e.g: 2

vpc_VerStatus string

e.g: E

vpc_VerType string

e.g: 3DS



  • Object
Name Type Description
merchantCode string
paymentGateway string
secureSecret string
language string

max: 16

orderId string

max: 34

customerEmail string

max: 24, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email

customerPhone string

max: 15

returnUrl string

max: 255

amount number

Integer, max: 9999999999

paymentType string

max: 1

siteCode string

max: 8

transactionInfo string

max: 255

version string

max: 1

locale string

optional: true, max: 2

currency string

optional: true, max: 4

billingCity string

optional: true, max: 64

billingCountry string

optional: true, max: 2

billingPostCode string

optional: true, max: 64

billingStateProvince string

optional: true, max: 64

billingStreet string

optional: true, max: 64

deliveryAddress string

optional: true, max: 255

deliveryCity string

optional: true, max: 255

deliveryCountry string

optional: true, max: 255

deliveryProvince string

optional: true, max: 255

clientIp string

optional: true, max: 15

transactionId string

optional: true, max: 40

customerId string

optional: true, max: 255



  • Object
Name Type Description
isSuccess boolean

whether the payment succeeded or not

message string

returned from SohaPay

transactionId string

transaction id

orderEmail string

customer email

orderSession string

session token came from SohaPay

amount string

amount paid by customer

siteCode string

unique code assigned by SohaPay for merchant

responseCode string

response status code of SohaPay

transactionInfo string

description of the payment

responseMessage string

response message from SohaPay

secureCode string

checksum of the returned data, used to verify data integrity

error_text string

e.g: 'Giao dịch thanh toán bị huỷ bỏ'

order_code string

e.g: 'node-2018-01-19T131933.811Z'

order_email string

e.g: ''

order_session string

e.g: 'd3bdef93fa01cd37f7e426fa25f5d1a0'

price string

e.g: '90000'

site_code string

e.g: 'test'

transaction_info string

e.g: 'Thanh toan giay adidas'

secure_code string

e.g: FC5283C6B93C1D8F9A9329293DA38FFC3204FA6CE75661972419DAA6E5A1B7B5



  • Object
Name Type Description
createdDate string

optional: true

amount number

The pay amount, Integer, max: 9999999999

clientIp string

max: 16

currency string

allowedValues: ['VND']

billingCity string

optional: true, max: 255

billingCountry string

optional: true, max: 255

billingPostCode string

optional: true, max: 255

billingStateProvince string

optional: true, max: 255

billingStreet string

optional: true, max: 255

customerEmail string

optional: true, max: 255, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email

customerId string

optional: true, max: 255

customerPhone string

optional: true, max: 255

deliveryAddress string

optional: true, max: 255

deliveryCity string

optional: true, max: 255

deliveryCountry string

optional: true, max: 255

deliveryProvince string

optional: true, max: 255

bankCode string

optional: true, max: 50

locale string

allowedValues: ['vn', 'en']

orderId string

max: 34

orderInfo string

max: 255

orderType string

max: 40

returnUrl string

max: 255

transactionId string

max: 40

vnpSecretKey string

max: 32

vnpMerchant string

max: 16

vnpCommand string

max: 16

vnpVersion string

max: 2

paymentGateway string

regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Url

merchant string
secureSecret string


  • Object
Name Type Description
isSuccess boolean

whether the payment succeeded or not

message string

Approve or error message based on response code

merchant string

merchant ID, should be same with checkout request

transactionId string

merchant's transaction ID, should be same with checkout request

amount number

amount paid by customer, already divided by 100

orderInfo string

order info, should be same with checkout request

responseCode string

response code, payment has errors if it is non-zero

bankCode string

bank code of the bank where payment was occurred

bankTranNo string

bank transaction ID, used to look up at Bank's side

cardType string

type of card

payDate string

date when transaction occurred

gatewayTransactionNo string

Gateway's own transaction ID, used to look up at Gateway's side

secureHash string

checksum of the returned data, used to verify data integrity

vnp_TmnCode string


vnp_TxnRef string

e.g: node-2018-01-15T10:04:36.540Z

vnp_Amount string

e.g: 90000000

vnp_OrderInfo string

e.g: Thanh toan giay adidas

vnp_ResponseCode string

e.g: 00

vnp_BankCode string

e.g: NCB

vnp_BankTranNo string

e.g: 20180115170515

vnp_CardType string

e.g: ATM

vnp_PayDate string

e.g: 20180115170716

vnp_TransactionNo string

e.g: 13008888

vnp_SecureHash string

e.g: 115ad37de7ae4d28eb819ca3d3d85b20
