/* © 2018 NauStud.io
* @author Tu Nguyen
import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
import { URL } from 'url';
import { toUpperCase, hashHmac, pack } from '../utils';
* SohaPay payment gateway helper.
* <br>
* NOTE: Our test card deprecated, so we couldn't test this gateway thoroughly.
* <br>
* _Hàm hỗ trợ thanh toán qua SohaPay_
* _Lưu ý: Thẻ thanh toán dùng thử của chúng tôi đã hết được hỗ trợ nên chúng tôi không thể kiểm tra hoàn toàn cổng thanh toán này_
* @example
* import { SohaPay } from 'vn-payments';
* const sohapayCheckout = new SohaPay({
* paymentGateway: TEST_CONFIG.paymentGateway,
* merchant: TEST_CONFIG.merchant,
* receiverEmail: TEST_CONFIG.receiverEmail,
* secureSecret: TEST_CONFIG.secureSecret,
* });
* // checkoutUrl is an URL instance
* const checkoutUrl = await sohapayCheckout.buildCheckoutUrl(params);
* this.response.writeHead(301, { Location: checkoutUrl.href });
* this.response.end();
class SohaPay {
* Instantiate a SohaPay checkout helper
* <br>
* _Khởi tạo hàm thanh toán SohaPay_
* @param {Object} config check SohaPay.configSchema for data type requirements <br> _Xem SohaPay.configSchema để biết yêu cầu kiểu dữ liệu_
* @return {void}
constructor(config = {}) {
this.config = Object.assign({}, config);
* Build checkout URL to redirect to the payment gateway
* <br>
* _Hàm xây dựng url để redirect qua Soha gateway, trong đó có tham số mã hóa (còn gọi là public key)_
* @param {SohaPayCheckoutPayload} payload Object that contains needed data for the URL builder <br> _Đối tượng chứa các dữ liệu cần thiết để thiết lập đường dẫn._
* @return {Promise<URL>} The URL object used to redirect <br> _Đối tượng URL dùng để chuyển trang qua cổng thanh toán_
buildCheckoutUrl(payload) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Mảng các tham số chuyển tới Onepay Payment
const data = Object.assign({}, this.checkoutPayloadDefaults, payload);
const config = this.config;
data.siteCode = config.merchantCode;
data.paymentType = '';
// Input type checking
try {
} catch (error) {
/* prettier-ignore */
const arrParam = {
language : data.language,
order_code : data.orderId,
order_email : data.customerEmail,
order_mobile : data.customerPhone,
payment_type : data.paymentType,
price : data.amount.toString(),
return_url : data.returnUrl,
site_code : data.siteCode,
transaction_info : data.transactionInfo,
version : data.version,
// Step 2. Create the target redirect URL at SohaPay server
const redirectUrl = new URL(config.paymentGateway);
const secureCode = [];
.forEach(key => {
const value = arrParam[key];
if (value == null || value.length === 0) {
// skip empty params (but they must be optional)
redirectUrl.searchParams.append(key, value); // no need to encode URI with URLSearchParams object
if (value.length > 0) {
// secureCode is digested from vnp_* params but they should not be URI encoded
if (secureCode.length > 0) {
toUpperCase(hashHmac('SHA256', secureCode.join('&'), pack(config.secureSecret)))
* Validate checkout payload against checkoutSchema. Throw ValidationErrors if invalid.
* <br>
* _Kiểm tra tính hợp lệ của dữ liệu thanh toán dựa trên một cấu trúc dữ liệu cụ thể. Hiển thị lỗi nếu không hợp lệ._
* @param {SohaPayCheckoutPayload} payload
validateCheckoutPayload(payload) {
* Return default checkout Payloads
* _Lấy checkout payload mặc định cho cổng thanh toán này_
* @return {SohaPayCheckoutPayload} default payload object <br> _Dữ liệu mặc định của đối tượng_
get checkoutPayloadDefaults() {
/* prettier-ignore */
return {
language : SohaPay.LOCALE_VN,
version : SohaPay.VERSION,
* @typedef {Object} SohaPayReturnObject
* @property {boolean} isSuccess whether the payment succeeded or not
* @property {string} message returned from SohaPay
* @property {string} transactionId transaction id
* @property {string} orderEmail customer email
* @property {string} orderSession session token came from SohaPay
* @property {string} amount amount paid by customer
* @property {string} siteCode unique code assigned by SohaPay for merchant
* @property {string} responseCode response status code of SohaPay
* @property {string} transactionInfo description of the payment
* @property {string} responseMessage response message from SohaPay
* @property {string} secureCode checksum of the returned data, used to verify data integrity
* @property {string} error_text e.g: 'Giao dịch thanh toán bị huỷ bỏ'
* @property {string} order_code e.g: 'node-2018-01-19T131933.811Z'
* @property {string} order_email e.g: 'tu.nguyen@naustud.io'
* @property {string} order_session e.g: 'd3bdef93fa01cd37f7e426fa25f5d1a0'
* @property {string} price e.g: '90000'
* @property {string} site_code e.g: 'test'
* @property {string} transaction_info e.g: 'Thanh toan giay adidas'
* @property {string} secure_code e.g: FC5283C6B93C1D8F9A9329293DA38FFC3204FA6CE75661972419DAA6E5A1B7B5
* Verify return query string from SohaPay using enclosed secureCode string
* <br>
* _Hàm thực hiện xác minh tính đúng đắn của các tham số trả về từ SohaPay Payment_
* @param {Object} query Query data object from GET handler (`response.query`) <br> _Dữ liệu được trả về từ GET handler (`response.query`)_
* @return {Promise<SohaPayReturnObject>} Promise object which resolved with normalized returned data object, with additional fields like isSuccess. <br> _Promise khi hoàn thành sẽ trả về object data từ cổng thanh toán, được chuẩn hóa tên theo camelCase và đính kèm thuộc tính isSuccess_
verifyReturnUrl(query) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const returnObject = this._mapQueryToObject(query);
const data = Object.assign({}, query);
const config = this.config;
const secureHash = data.secure_code;
const verifyResults = {};
delete data.secure_code;
// delete data.vnp_SecureHash;
if (config.secureSecret.length > 0) {
const secureCode = [];
.sort() // need to sort the key by alphabetically
.forEach(key => {
const value = data[key];
if (value.length > 0) {
const isEqual =
toUpperCase(secureHash) === toUpperCase(hashHmac('SHA256', secureCode.join('&'), pack(config.secureSecret)));
if (!isEqual) {
verifyResults.isSuccess = false;
verifyResults.message = 'Wrong checksum';
} else if (data.error_text) {
verifyResults.isSuccess = false;
verifyResults.message = returnObject.errorMessage;
} else {
verifyResults.message = returnObject.responseMessage;
verifyResults.isSuccess = returnObject.responseCode === '0';
resolve(Object.assign(returnObject, query, verifyResults));
_mapQueryToObject(query) {
const returnObject = {
errorMessage: query.error_text,
transactionId: query.order_code,
orderEmail: query.order_email,
orderSession: query.order_session,
amount: query.price,
responseCode: query.response_code,
responseMessage: query.response_message,
siteCode: query.site_code,
transactionInfo: query.transaction_info,
secureCode: query.secure_code,
return returnObject;
* SohaPay configSchema
* @type {SimpleSchema}
SohaPay.configSchema = new SimpleSchema({
merchantCode: { type: String },
paymentGateway: { type: String },
secureSecret: { type: String },
* @typedef {Object} SohaPayCheckoutPayload
* @property {string} merchantCode
* @property {string} paymentGateway
* @property {string} secureSecret
* @property {string} language max: 16
* @property {string} orderId max: 34
* @property {string} customerEmail max: 24, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email
* @property {string} customerPhone max: 15
* @property {string} returnUrl max: 255
* @property {number} amount Integer, max: 9999999999
* @property {string} paymentType max: 1
* @property {string} siteCode max: 8
* @property {string} transactionInfo max: 255
* @property {string} version max: 1
* @property {string} locale optional: true, max: 2
* @property {string} currency optional: true, max: 4
* @property {string} billingCity optional: true, max: 64
* @property {string} billingCountry optional: true, max: 2
* @property {string} billingPostCode optional: true, max: 64
* @property {string} billingStateProvince optional: true, max: 64
* @property {string} billingStreet optional: true, max: 64
* @property {string} deliveryAddress optional: true, max: 255
* @property {string} deliveryCity optional: true, max: 255
* @property {string} deliveryCountry optional: true, max: 255
* @property {string} deliveryProvince optional: true, max: 255
* @property {string} clientIp optional: true, max: 15
* @property {string} transactionId optional: true, max: 40
* @property {string} customerId optional: true, max: 255
/* prettier-ignore */
* SohaPay checkoutSchema
* @type {SimpleSchema}
SohaPay.checkoutSchema = new SimpleSchema({
language : { type: String, max: 16 },
orderId : { type: String, max: 34 },
customerEmail : { type: String, max: 24, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email },
customerPhone : { type: String, max: 15 },
returnUrl : { type: String, max: 255 },
amount : { type: SimpleSchema.Integer, max: 9999999999 },
paymentType : { type: String, max: 1 },
siteCode : { type: String, max: 8 },
transactionInfo : { type: String, max: 255 },
version : { type: String, max: 1 },
locale : { type: String, optional: true, max: 2 },
currency : { type: String, optional: true, max: 4 },
billingCity : { type: String, optional: true, max: 64 },
billingCountry : { type: String, optional: true, max: 2 },
billingPostCode : { type: String, optional: true, max: 64 },
billingStateProvince : { type: String, optional: true, max: 64 },
billingStreet : { type: String, optional: true, max: 64 },
deliveryAddress : { type: String, optional: true, max: 255 },
deliveryCity : { type: String, optional: true, max: 255 },
deliveryCountry : { type: String, optional: true, max: 255 },
deliveryProvince : { type: String, optional: true, max: 255 },
clientIp : { type: String, optional: true, max: 15 },
transactionId : { type: String, optional: true, max: 40 },
customerId : { type: String, optional: true, max: 255 },
SohaPay.LOCALE_VN = 'vi';
SohaPay.LOCALE_EN = 'en';
SohaPay.VERSION = '2';
* SohaPay test configs
* <br>
* _Cấu hình dùng thử SohaPay_
merchantCode: 'test',
paymentGateway: 'https://sohapay.vn/payment.php',
secureSecret: '1234567890',
export { SohaPay };